MetaObjects 元物

News & Upcoming

On Fri 31 May, we will present Illusory World, a live motion capture performance with Lu Yang at M+ as part of the Asian Avant-Garde Film Festival. The performance will feature two dancers, Kenny Leung and Maanasa Sri Ganesh with equipment and student support from the Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts.

This spring 2024, we’re teaching an MFA course in Media Design and Technology at the Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts on Motion Capture and Applications for Live Performance, exploring the creative possibilities of motion capture and dance, live AV controls, 3D avatar and environment design.

We're working with UK-based artist Helen Knowles on developing Trust the Medicine: Engaging with AI Entities, an interactive installation on display at the Science Gallery London on Friday, 8 December 2023.

We spoke to Tater Asia about our work with Lu Yang in an article about games and world building. Read more ›

Our work on the M+ Facade has been featured in the M+ Magazine. Read more in Behind the Screen: The M+ Facade. The facade was awarded the best Animated Media Arcitecture project at the 2023 Media Architecture Awards.

MetaObjects is working on the development of a new virtual exhibition space, V Hall for Tai Kwun Centre for Heritage and Arts. As one of the first online commissions, MetaObjects is creating an online game experience for Lu Yang.

MetaObjects has been contracted by M+, Hong Kong's museum of visual culture. Working closely with the M+ team and its commissioned artists, MetaObjects will help to prepare curatorial content for the M+ Facade, a large-scale LED media facade positioned on the spectacular Hong Kong waterfront.


Ray LC - What You See Is What You Eat
VR Experience
Hong Kong Arts Centre

Helen Knowles - Trust the Medicine
360 Film / AI Installation
Science Gallery London

Scott Hessels - Memorial Birdsongs
Interactive Installation
K11 Musea

Lu Yang - DOKU, The Binary World
Networked Live Mocap Performance
Freespace and Sydney Opera House

Lu Yang's Screen Bodies
Journal and Exhibition
Australian National University

Pipilotti Rist
AR App and AR + Art Workshop
Tai Kwun

Lu Yang
Live Motion Capture Performance
ACMI Melbourne

Carla Chan
Generative Artwork
Tai Kwun and Frieze New York 2022

Sonic Topologies: Hong Kong
Multi-sensory Installation
M+ museum

Lau Wai and Enoch Cheng
AR and Web Experiences
New Vision Arts Festival

The Next Biennial Should Be Curated by a Machine
Liverpool Biennial 2021

Natalie Lo Lai-Lai
Instagram AR Filter
Youth Square, Chai Wan

Gigant Doku: Lu Yang The Destroyer
Live Motion Capture Performance
Garage MCA, Moscow

Yarli Allison
Instagram AR Filter
55 Squared at Tai Kwun

Phoebe Hui
3D Printed Drawbot
Tai Kwun

360 Video and Audio Workshop
Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts

A Blockchain Prototype
DAOWO Sessions

Gordon Cheung
AR App and Instagram Filter

Rachel Monosov
3D Printed Doorknob

Lu Yang
Delusional World
Virtual Motion Capture Performance

Fashion Asia 2020
Virtual Exhibition
Hong Kong Design Centre

My Body Holds Its Shape
Virtual Gallery Tour
Tai Kwun

Isaac Chong Wai
3D Printed Sculpture
Asia Society Hong Kong

Motion Capture Art Hack
University of Melbourne

Samson Young
Robotic Sound Artwork
Gropius Bau

Samson Young
3D Printed Mini-Golf Course
K11 Musea

Lu Yang
Game & VR Artwork
CC Foundation

Desmond Leung
Art Commission
Wheelock Properties

Wang Xin
PPS Interactive Installation
K11 and de Sarthe Gallery

Live Audiovisual Performance
Sonar HK

Open Systems Salon
Curated Exhibition
School of Creative Media

Peter Nelson and Carla Chan
3D Printing and AR Development
Asia Society Hong Kong

Lu Yang
Dance Dance Revolution Installation
Shanghai Biennial

Samson Young
3D Printed Bumper Car
Edouard Malingue Gallery

Lu Yang
Live Motion Capture Performances
2017-18 at Various

First Prize
Data Visualisation
M+ Data Design Hackathon

Video Production
Tai Kwun

VR and Motion Capture Workshops
School of Creative Media

Samson Young
3D Printed Scultures
Guggenheim Museum

Wong Kit Yi
Bio Lab and Animation
Art Basel Hong Kong

Samson Young
3D Printed Sculpture
2017 Venice Biennale

VR Gallery
University of Salford Art Collection


Aaina Bhargava, "What’s the link between art and video games?", Tatler Asia, 2023

Alison Fung, “Behind the Screen: The M+ Facade”, M+ Magazine, 2023

HG Masters, “Lu Yang’s ‘DOKU – The Binary World’”, Art Asia Pacific, 2022

香港、悉尼實時連線 《DOKU二元世界》陸揚的異世界奇想, Wen Wei Po, 2022

Sarah Foreman, “Keep Dancing: Enter Lu Yang’s ‘Delusional World’”, Art Review, 2021

Emily Verla Bovino, “MetaObjects: Towards a Theory of Studio Practice”, Ocula, 2021


MetaObjects is a digital studio based in Hong Kong and London.

Formed by Andrew Crowe and Ashley Lee Wong, MetaObjects aims to facilitate digital production with artists and cultural institutions. Working across a range of media, MetaObjects seeks to encourage the sharing of knowledge of new digital tools and processes. Through close collaborations, MetaObjects builds a deep understanding of the possibilities of new technologies to help realize projects to a high standard of production.

Andrew Crowe is a technologist and software engineer with over 20 years commercial experience working in London. He has worked as Principal Developer for a financial company, start-ups and agencies, and applies his skills to a variety of creative projects across VR/AR, 3D printing, motion-capture, audiovisual production, software and web development. He works with Prof. Scott Hessels at City University, and Prof. Christopher Keyes at Hong Kong Baptist University on developing artistic research projects. Andrew brings technical expertise, problem-solving and professionalism to tackle complex creative projects.

Ashley Lee Wong, PhD is a curator and researcher with over 15 years experience in the art and cultural sector in the UK and Hong Kong. She completed a PhD at the School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong and an MA at Goldsmiths University of London and is currently assistant professor of cultural studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She has worked as Head of Programmes and Operations at Sedition, the online platform for distributing digital limited editions by contemporary artists. Her unique experience gives her deep insight into the international developments and opportunities for artists working in art and technology.

What We Do

MetaObjects provides a wide range of services in close collaboration with our artists and cultural partners. We're always open to exploring new creative and technical challenges.

Educational Workshops

MetaObjects greatly values bringing knowledge from the field back into the education sector to show students and young people the possibilities of new technologies to create art. We have facilitated workshops on VR, AR, 360 video and audio, motion capture and animation with institutions including, Freespace and Sydney Opera House, Tai Kwun, Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts, Pratt Institute and Asia Art Archive in America, University of Melbourne, School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong and have presented lectures on new media art for the Hong Kong Education Bureau.

Artists & Partners
